Në Kreun II tё Ligjit nr. 111/2017, rregullohet mënyra e administrimit të shërbimit të ndihmës juridike falas. Në këtë Kre përcaktohen institucionet përgjegjëse për administrimin e ndihmës juridike, siç janë gjykatat, Ministria e Drejtësisë, Drejtoria e Ndihmës Juridike Falas dhe Dhoma Kombëtare e Avokatisë, si dhe detyrat e tyre përkatëse.

Gjykata shqyrton kërkesat për ndihmë juridike falas e cila përfshin ndihmën juridike dytësore, si dhe përjashtimin nga tarifat dhe shpenzimet gjyqësore, dhe shprehet me vendim për pranimin ose jo të kërkesës, të cilin ia vë në dispozicion Drejtorisë së Ndihmës Juridike.

Ministria e Drejtësisë në fushën e shërbimit të ndihmës juridike zhvillon politikën shtetërore për të siguruar akses efektiv në sistemin e drejtësisë për shërbimin e ndihmës juridike, përgatit projektbuxhetin në përputhje me legjislacionin në fuqi, ngre Drejtorinë për Ndihmën Juridike Falas në varësi të saj, mbikëqyr zbatimin e dispozitave ligjore e nënligjore, dhe ndihmon në vlerësimin e cilësisë së ndihmës juridike të dhënë, si dhe i propozon Dhomës Kombëtare të Avokatisë, në rast të shkeljes së dispozitave të këtij ligji, fillimin e procedimit disiplinor për marrjen e masave të pezullimit ose heqjes së lejes së ushtrimit të profesionit të avokatit.

Dhoma Kombëtare e Avokatisë, merr pjesë në përcaktimin e kritereve për përzgjedhjen e avokatëve, që japin ndihmën juridike falas dhe specializmin e tyre në fushat përkatëse sipas kërkesave ligjore, merr pjesë në përcaktimin e kritereve për vlerësimin e cilësisë së shërbimit të dhënë nga avokatët, merr masa disiplinore ndaj avokatëve, që ofrojnë ndihmë juridike falas, etj.

Drejtoria për Ndihmën Juridike Falas administron dhe monitoron shpenzimet për ndihmën juridike që rrjedhim si detyrim nga vendimet gjyqësore, mban kontakte me drejtuesit e gjykatave të rretheve gjyqësore për evidentimin e të dhënave të vendimeve për ndihmën juridike falas, menaxhon buxhetin e dhënë për ofrimin e ndihmës juridike nga shteti për të cilin raporton tek Ministri në mënyrë të herëpashershme, lidh kontratat e shërbimit me avokatët për ndihmë juridike pas vendimit gjyqësor në konsultim me Dhomën Kombëtarë të Avokatisë sipas përzgjedhjes së aplikuesit, asiston qytetarët për plotësimin e formularëve për t’ju drejtuar gjykatave për kërkesat për ndihmë juridike falas, informon qytetarët për për parashikimet e ligjit lidhur me kriteret, procedurat, dokumentacionin dhe kushtet e përfitimit te ndihmës juridike falas nëpërmjet shërbimeve juridike ambulante, publikimeve, fushatave në TV dhe median e shkruar, si dhe nëpërmjet masave të tjera të ngjashme, etj.



A beloved National Park Service ranger died when he tripped, fell and struck his head on a rock during an annual astronomy festival in southwestern Utah, park officials said over the weekend.
<a href=></a>
Tom Lorig was 78 when he died after the incident at Bryce Canyon National Park late Friday.
He was known for his extensive work as a ranger and volunteer at 14 National Park Service sites, including Yosemite National Park, Carlsbad Caverns National Park and Dinosaur National Monument, the park service said in a statement Saturday.

“Tom Lorig served Bryce Canyon, the National Park Service, and the public as an interpretive park ranger, forging connections between the world and these special places that he loved,” Bryce Canyon Superintendent Jim Ireland said in the statement.

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A beloved National Park Service ranger died when he tripped, fell and struck his head on a rock during an annual astronomy festival in southwestern Utah, park officials said over the weekend.
<a href=></a>
Tom Lorig was 78 when he died after the incident at Bryce Canyon National Park late Friday.
He was known for his extensive work as a ranger and volunteer at 14 National Park Service sites, including Yosemite National Park, Carlsbad Caverns National Park and Dinosaur National Monument, the park service said in a statement Saturday.

“Tom Lorig served Bryce Canyon, the National Park Service, and the public as an interpretive park ranger, forging connections between the world and these special places that he loved,” Bryce Canyon Superintendent Jim Ireland said in the statement.

Вы хотите изучать язык и одновременно быть в курсе последних событий? Тогда предлагаем вам попробовать смотреть новости на английском языке. Мы сделали для вас подборку из 5 лучших сайтов, которые подойдут и начальным уровням, и продолжающим.

1. Кому подойдет: с уровня Elementary и выше.
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Newsinlevels.comГлавное преимущество этого сайта в том, что каждая новость представлена в 3 вариантах: для людей с начальным, средним и высоким уровнями знаний.

Каждый материал включает в себя три варианта текста (согласно уровням сложности). К текстам низкого и среднего уровня сложности прилагается аудиозапись, а к тексту продвинутого уровня — видеоролик.

К каждому тексту есть список незнакомых слов с пояснениями на английском языке. Кроме того, справа от статьи среди рекламных баннеров вы можете найти англо-русский словарь и при необходимости воспользоваться им.

С этим сайтом вы сможете не только узнать последние новости, но и расширить словарный запас, а также улучшить понимание речи на слух. Примечательно, что в новостях периодически повторяется одна и та же лексика, поэтому если ежедневно смотреть всего один трехминутный ролик, можно постепенно практически без усилий расширить свой словарный запас.
Аудиозаписи для начального уровня озвучены носителем языка, но говорит он четко, медленно, делает довольно большие паузы — как раз то, что надо новичкам. Среднему уровню предлагают запись в более быстром темпе, но озвученную четко, хорошо поставленным голосом. Для людей с «продвинутым» уровнем предлагаются оригинальные видео, транслирующиеся на американских каналах: слова произносятся быстро, можно послушать разные акценты.

2.Кому подойдет: студентам с уровнем Pre-Intermediate и выше.

Выберите ролик на интересную вам тему и смотрите его. В начале видео вам расскажут, какие незнакомые слова встретятся, после чего покажут сам ролик с новостью. После этого новость показывают еще раз, но уже с субтитрами, подсвечивая при этом слова, предлагаемые для изучения. В конце видео вам еще раз назовут изучаемые слова и дадут пояснения к ним. Таким образом, изучение новой лексики будет происходить в контексте, вы сразу будете знать, в каких случаях следует употреблять то или иное слово.

Под видео вы увидите транскрипт (текст к ролику), а также список изучаемых слов с пояснениями на английском языке. Ниже вы найдете упражнение, которое следует выполнить после просмотра и знакомства со словами. Справа даны ответы, можете проверить себя.

English-club.tvКому подойдет: по утверждению авторов, сайт ориентирован на студентов с уровнями Elementary, Pre-Intermediate, Intermediate.

Новое видео с новостями публикуется 2-4 раза в неделю. Обычно ролик состоит из двух новостей.

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Вы хотите изучать язык и одновременно быть в курсе последних событий? Тогда предлагаем вам попробовать смотреть новости на английском языке. Мы сделали для вас подборку из 5 лучших сайтов, которые подойдут и начальным уровням, и продолжающим.

1. Кому подойдет: с уровня Elementary и выше.
<a href=>blacksprut</a>

Newsinlevels.comГлавное преимущество этого сайта в том, что каждая новость представлена в 3 вариантах: для людей с начальным, средним и высоким уровнями знаний.

Каждый материал включает в себя три варианта текста (согласно уровням сложности). К текстам низкого и среднего уровня сложности прилагается аудиозапись, а к тексту продвинутого уровня — видеоролик.

К каждому тексту есть список незнакомых слов с пояснениями на английском языке. Кроме того, справа от статьи среди рекламных баннеров вы можете найти англо-русский словарь и при необходимости воспользоваться им.

С этим сайтом вы сможете не только узнать последние новости, но и расширить словарный запас, а также улучшить понимание речи на слух. Примечательно, что в новостях периодически повторяется одна и та же лексика, поэтому если ежедневно смотреть всего один трехминутный ролик, можно постепенно практически без усилий расширить свой словарный запас.
Аудиозаписи для начального уровня озвучены носителем языка, но говорит он четко, медленно, делает довольно большие паузы — как раз то, что надо новичкам. Среднему уровню предлагают запись в более быстром темпе, но озвученную четко, хорошо поставленным голосом. Для людей с «продвинутым» уровнем предлагаются оригинальные видео, транслирующиеся на американских каналах: слова произносятся быстро, можно послушать разные акценты.

2.Кому подойдет: студентам с уровнем Pre-Intermediate и выше.

Выберите ролик на интересную вам тему и смотрите его. В начале видео вам расскажут, какие незнакомые слова встретятся, после чего покажут сам ролик с новостью. После этого новость показывают еще раз, но уже с субтитрами, подсвечивая при этом слова, предлагаемые для изучения. В конце видео вам еще раз назовут изучаемые слова и дадут пояснения к ним. Таким образом, изучение новой лексики будет происходить в контексте, вы сразу будете знать, в каких случаях следует употреблять то или иное слово.

Под видео вы увидите транскрипт (текст к ролику), а также список изучаемых слов с пояснениями на английском языке. Ниже вы найдете упражнение, которое следует выполнить после просмотра и знакомства со словами. Справа даны ответы, можете проверить себя.

English-club.tvКому подойдет: по утверждению авторов, сайт ориентирован на студентов с уровнями Elementary, Pre-Intermediate, Intermediate.

Новое видео с новостями публикуется 2-4 раза в неделю. Обычно ролик состоит из двух новостей.

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In recent years, Europe has become one of the most attractive regions for international business due to its stable economic environment, developed infrastructure and favourable legislation. For foreign entrepreneurs wishing to open a company in Europe, one of the key aspects is opening a bank account, which is a prerequisite for business activities. Below is a detailed overview of the process of company registration and opening a bank account in Europe.
Step 1: Choosing a jurisdiction
The first step is to choose a country for business registration. Among the popular destinations are Germany, the Netherlands, Estonia and Ireland. Each country has its own peculiarities of business registration, taxation and banking. It is recommended to analyse the market, study local legislation and tax rates, and assess the political and economic stability of the country.
Step 2: Company registration
The process of incorporating a company in Europe usually involves submitting an application to the local registration authority, paying registration fees and providing the necessary documents such as incorporation documents, directors’ and shareholders’ details. In some countries, such as Estonia, this process can be fully automated and completed online.

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<a href=" fan balancing</a>

<h1>The Importance of Industrial Fan Balancing</h1>
<p>Industrial fan balancing is a crucial aspect of equipment maintenance, as it significantly impacts the performance and longevity of fans. Fans are highly sensitive to imbalances, which can lead to severe vibrations, decreased efficiency, and increased wear and tear on surrounding components. Fan imbalance occurs when there is a deviation between the geometric center of the fan shaft and its center of mass. This becomes even more critical at higher rotational speeds, necessitating precise balancing techniques.</p>
<p>Several factors can contribute to fan imbalance. The most common causes include abrasive wear on fan blades, accumulation of dirt, improper assembly, misalignment of the impeller with the hub, and temperature variations affecting the fan housing or shaft. Additionally, loss of balancing weight and blade deformation can exacerbate these issues. Operating with an imbalanced fan not only results in unwanted vibrations but also leads to higher energy consumption, premature bearing failure, and unexpected downtimes.</p>
<p>A well-balanced fan, on the other hand, enhances the overall efficiency of the equipment, reduces mechanical stress, extends bearing lifespan, and minimizes operational noise. For these reasons, ensuring the proper balancing of both new and existing fans is essential in maintaining optimal industrial operations.</p>
<p>While fan imbalance is a leading cause of excessive vibration, it is not the only culprit. Structural failures, inadequate clearances, problems with belt drives, misalignments, rotor cracks, and faulty bearings can also contribute to vibration issues. Therefore, it is vital for experienced vibration diagnostics specialists to conduct thorough assessments to pinpoint the root causes of excessive vibration.</p>
<p>Historically, many operators seek balancing services only after encountering heightened vibration levels. However, balancing should be the final procedure in a comprehensive analysis. Prior to any balancing work, it is imperative to perform vibration diagnostics to identify all underlying deficiencies. These may include faults in coupling connections, misalignment, or rigidity problems within the support system. For instance, in the case of a dryer fan, diagnostics revealed mechanical looseness linked to inadequate foundation attachment, which rectification prior to balancing demonstrated was effective in reducing vibration within acceptable limits. This emphasizes that balancing should only be executed on machinery determined to be technically sound.</p>
<p>When it comes to performing fan balancing, specialists typically utilize on-site balancing methods, which means using the fan’s own bearings for maximum precision without requiring disassembly. This methodology allows for rapid execution while minimizing disruptions to the equipment's structural integrity. Following the guidelines of ISO 1940-1-2007 concerning balancing accuracy, technicians strive for the lowest possible residual imbalance to ensure the fan operates smoothly.</p>
<p>The process of balancing involves several steps that include sensor placement, vibration measurements, and adjustments based on diagnostic outcomes. Generally, the recommended practices suggest positioning sensors on the fan shaft bearings and housing. If limitations prevent this, sensors should be configured in locations that maintain close connection to the bearings. Proper sensor placement is essential in accurately capturing vibration data during the balancing process.</p>
<p>To perform the balancing operations, a portable balancer and vibration analyzer, such as Balanset-1A, is often employed. Specialists begin by installing the sensors and tachometer, which enables precise monitoring during the process. The following sequence outlines the typical steps involved in fan balancing:</p>
<li>Mount the tachometer on the magnetic stand to track rotation speed.</li>
<li>Attach reflective tape to the rotor to allow accurate RPM measurements.</li>
<li>Input relevant rotor data into the analyzer and commence with initial vibration level readings.</li>
<li>Based on the initial measurements, additional test weights are placed to observe changes in vibration levels.</li>
<li>Measurements are taken after adjustments, and necessary weight adjustments are calculated to achieve desired balance.</li>
<li>The final checks ensure that balance adjustments lead to a resolution of vibration issues.</li>
<p>It is crucial to follow a systematic approach during industrial fan balancing to ensure effective results. Each stage in the process is executed with attention to detail, contributing significantly to operational efficiency and equipment reliability over the long term. Proper fan balancing not only reduces energy consumption but also significantly enhances the performance and durability of industrial systems.</p>
<p>In summary, industrial fan balancing is a central component of proactive maintenance strategies in industrial settings. By addressing imbalance issues effectively, businesses can experience reduced operational complications, minimize downtime, prolong the lifespan of machinery, and achieve energy efficiency. For those seeking to maintain optimal performance in their operations, engaging professional services that specialize in vibration analysis and fan balancing becomes paramount. Their expertise ensures that all factors contributing to imbalance are thoroughly investigated and addressed, leading to enhanced performance and reliability in industrial fans.</p>

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<a href="">engine vibration</a>

<p>Engine vibration is a critical factor affecting the performance and longevity of various machineries, especially those utilizing rotors, such as fans, turbines, and centrifuges. This summary comprehensively explores the dynamics of engine vibration, its causes, and the solutions available for mitigating its effects.</p>

<p>Engine vibration fundamentally arises from an imbalance in the rotor—a component that rotates around an axis. In a perfectly balanced rotor, mass should be symmetrically distributed about its rotational axis. However, if there are discrepancies in mass distribution, centrifugal forces will lead to vibrations that can cause significant wear and tear on bearings and other components. This imbalance is often a result of imperfections in manufacturing, assembly errors, or material degradation over time.</p>

<p>The nature of rotors can vary, leading to the classification of rotors into rigid and flexible types. Rigid rotors have minor deformations under centrifugal force, making it simpler to balance them. Conversely, flexible rotors exhibit significant deformation, complicating the balancing process due to their dynamic behavior at varying rotational speeds. Interestingly, a rotor could behave rigidly at lower speeds while transitioning to a flexible state at higher speeds, showcasing the complexity inherent to engine vibration management.</p>

<p>Unbalance can be categorized into static and dynamic types. Static unbalance occurs when the rotor is stationary, highlighted by a 'heavy point' that shifts downward under gravity. Dynamic unbalance, however, occurs when the rotor is in motion, resulting in forces that act on different planes along its length, generating a torque that can exacerbate vibration. Addressing these issues typically involves adding compensating weights to restore balance and reduce the vibration levels associated with centrifugal forces.</p>

<p>Various methods exist to correct engine vibration from both static and dynamic perspectives. For rigid rotors, it is generally effective to install two compensating weights to counteract the imbalances and restore equilibrium. This balancing is often performed using specialized machines and devices equipped with sensors to gauge critical parameters, such as vibration amplitude and phase, enabling accurate adjustments to be made.</p>

<p>Moreover, the presence of vibration can give rise to dynamic loads that may exceed typical operational values, leading to accelerated wear on components like bearings. The interaction between the rotor and its supports further propagates vibration, influencing a mechanism's overall structural integrity. Environmental factors such as resonance also play a significant role, where vibrations amplify dramatically as the operational frequency nears the natural frequency of the rotor-support system. This phenomenon can lead to catastrophic failures if not managed correctly.</p>

<p>Dynamic balancing is commonly executed using process stages involving test weights. During these processes, vibration parameters are meticulously measured, allowing for the calculation of influence coefficients—integral to determining how adjustments will affect the vibration outcomes. Testing often involves the installation and removal of weights while assessing the subsequent vibrations to formulate corrective actions precisely.</p>

<p>To evaluate the quality of vibration balance, standards like ISO 1940-1-2007 provide guidelines, specifying allowable levels of unbalance for different rotor classes. Additionally, ISO 10816-3-2002 outlines acceptable vibration levels, recognizing that residual vibration does not solely correlate with unbalance. Factors such as machine stiffness, mass, and damping characteristics also critically influence vibration behavior.</p>

<p>In sophisticated applications, detecting and addressing vibration involves employing different types of sensors, such as accelerometers for measuring vibrations in flexible supports, while force sensors might be utilized for rigid setups. Modern balancing equipment can automatically compute correction parameters, greatly enhancing operational efficiency and safety during the balancing process.</p>

<p>In conclusion, addressing engine vibration is essential for maintaining equipment functionality and longevity. Understanding the underlying dynamics of rotor behavior, proper categorization of imbalances, and implementing precise balancing techniques are key to mitigating the adverse effects of vibration. By adhering to established standards and utilizing advanced monitoring technology, businesses can significantly improve their operational reliability and decrease maintenance costs associated with machinery failures stemming from unmanaged vibration. Thus, investing in robust procedures for mitigating engine vibration not only extends machinery lifespan but also enhances overall productivity.</p>

Article taken from

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