Zbatimi i vendimit
Vendimi gjyqësor për përjashtimin nga pagimi i tarifave dhe shpenzimeve gjyqësore përbën titull ekzekutiv dhe ekzekutohet në përputhje me parashikimet e legjislacionit procedural.
Pagesa e shpenzimeve gjyqësore, për të cilat është vendosur përjashtimi, përballohet nga buxheti i miratuar për Ministrinë e Drejtësisë dhe paguhet nga Drejtoria e Ndihmës Juridike Falas.
Pagesat që kryhen nga Drejtoria e Ndihmës Juridike Falas, sipas pikës 2, të këtij neni, nuk mund të tejkalojnë masën e shpërblimit për ekspertët dhe dëshmitarët në një proces gjyqësor, të përcaktuar nga Këshilli i Ministrave.
Rregullat dhe procedurat e kryerjes së pagesave, sipas pikës 2, të këtij neni, përcaktohen me udhëzim të Ministrit të Drejtësisë, pas marrjes së mendimit nga ministria përgjegjëse për financat.
Vendimi gjyqësor për përjashtimin nga pagimi i tarifave dhe shpenzimeve gjyqësore nëpërmjet këtij neni konsiderohet si titull ekzekutiv. Në kuptimin juridik, titulli ekzekutiv është akti përfundimtar që përmban njohjen e detyrimit të plotë, të saktë, të përcaktuar të një personi apo subjekti kundrejt një tjetri sipas parashikimeve të ligjit. Në këtë rast detyrimi I plotë dhe i saktë është përcaktuar me vendim gjykate dhe ‘debitor’ është organi shtetëror, Ministria e Drejtësisë dhe më konkretisht njësia përbërëse e saj Drejtori e Ndihmës Jurudike Falas.
Ekzekutimi i vendimit të Gjykatës përsa kohë është titull ekzekutiv bëhet në përputhje me Pjesën e Kartërt të Kodit të Procedurës Civile. Në çdo rast për ekzkutimin e vendimit të gjykatës, e cfarëdo lloj juridiksioni qoftë ajo, nuk është e nevojshme nxjerrja e urdherit të ekzekutimit. Mjafton për qëllim të ekzkekutimit të vendimit shprehja standarte se në rast se nuk përmbushet vullnetarit detyrimi nga ana e institucioneve shtetërore, atëherë ngarkohet përmbaruesi me ekzketimin e vendimit gjyqësor.
Rregullat dhe procedurat e kryerjes së pagesave të shpenzimeve gjyqësore për të cilat është vendosur përjashtimi në rastin e dhënies së ndihëms juridike janë të përcaktuara nga Udhëzimi nr. 6, datë 20.08.2019 i Ministrit të Drejtësisë. Sias përcaktimit të këtij Udhëzimi brenda 15 ditësh nga data e shpallejes së vendimit nga gjykata për përjashtimin nga pagesat e shpenzimeve gjyqësore, dëshmimtari, eksperti dhe përkthyesi paraqesin prna ëDrejtorisë së ndihëms juridike dokumente tatimore për shërbimet e ofruar dhe sipas rastit. Dokumentacion vërtetues si vijon:
- dokumentin tatimor për shpenzimet e transportit;
- dokumentin tatimor për shpenzimet e fjetjes;
- dokumentin me karakter vërtetues të vendit të punës dhe vlerës së pagës;
- vërtetimin bankar nga një bankë e nivelit të dytë për deklarimin e numrit të llogarisë në lekë.
Në praktikë do të ishte më e plotë që Udhëzimi i sipërcituar të parashikonte edhe procedurën sesi dëshmitari, eksperti apo përkthyesi do të paraqisin dokumentacionin pranë Drejtorisë së Ndihmës Juridike. Psh Udhëzimi mund të plotësohej me mënyrën e komunikimit të një eksperti që kryen një akt ekspertize në Gjykatën e Rrethit Gjyqësor Sarandë dhe për të cilën është marrë vendim nga gjykata se pala përjashtohet nga pagimi i këtij akti ekspertize.
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Fri, 19/01/2024 - 02:24
I wasn't having much luck in northeast Utah, prospecting for silver on the mountainous land I had recently inherited from my grandfather Amos Danbury. I'm Ronald Danbury Jr. and most of my life I've hated being called 'Junior'. I'm my own man, not just a younger version of my father.
I found a cave behind a mound of rock that must have fallen thousands of years in the past. After an hour of digging enough of a tunnel to enter the large cavern, I found the remains of a tribe that had perished many centuries before, apparently after being entombed when the entrance collapsed. I shined my flashlight and headlamp around investigating.
There were thousands of bones! Many were from animals I recognized, mountain goat, deer, fish, even half a bison skeleton. The hundreds and hundreds of human bones still laid in the positions they had died in.
I saw a dozen or so simple clay bowls and pots and two large clay jars. I also found four large stone spear points, a few dozen arrow heads, one end of a bow with most of its string gone, and a few bits of leather from their clothing. The rest had decayed away or been eaten by bugs.
I could tell they had been seven adult women, fifteen or so children, and one adult male. He was sitting against the wall in a corner, the only one who hadn't died laying down. He was quite short, but the bones showed he once had huge shoulder and thigh muscles. At six feet even I was close to a foot taller, but I'd never want to wrestle him.
Laying on the ground near the bones of the male was a large, curved tooth with some markings on it. I thought it was probably from a Smilodon, a saber-toothed cat. I felt the urge to touch it and picked it up. I suddenly felt stronger and more confident.
I stared at the markings scratched into the sides, and somehow knew they meant 'Power' and 'Dominance'. I held it in my hand, feeling a smile develop on my face. I stared at it a long time and felt better than I had in years. I set the tooth back on the ground and felt timid and weak, a sad precursor to what I might become. I quickly picked it up and felt great again.
Sat, 20/01/2024 - 17:22
I wasn't having much luck in northeast Utah, prospecting for silver on the mountainous land I had recently inherited from my grandfather Amos Danbury. I'm Ronald Danbury Jr. and most of my life I've hated being called 'Junior'. I'm my own man, not just a younger version of my father.
I found a cave behind a mound of rock that must have fallen thousands of years in the past. After an hour of digging enough of a tunnel to enter the large cavern, I found the remains of a tribe that had perished many centuries before, apparently after being entombed when the entrance collapsed. I shined my flashlight and headlamp around investigating.
There were thousands of bones! Many were from animals I recognized, mountain goat, deer, fish, even half a bison skeleton. The hundreds and hundreds of human bones still laid in the positions they had died in.
I saw a dozen or so simple clay bowls and pots and two large clay jars. I also found four large stone spear points, a few dozen arrow heads, one end of a bow with most of its string gone, and a few bits of leather from their clothing. The rest had decayed away or been eaten by bugs.
I could tell they had been seven adult women, fifteen or so children, and one adult male. He was sitting against the wall in a corner, the only one who hadn't died laying down. He was quite short, but the bones showed he once had huge shoulder and thigh muscles. At six feet even I was close to a foot taller, but I'd never want to wrestle him.
Laying on the ground near the bones of the male was a large, curved tooth with some markings on it. I thought it was probably from a Smilodon, a saber-toothed cat. I felt the urge to touch it and picked it up. I suddenly felt stronger and more confident.
I stared at the markings scratched into the sides, and somehow knew they meant 'Power' and 'Dominance'. I held it in my hand, feeling a smile develop on my face. I stared at it a long time and felt better than I had in years. I set the tooth back on the ground and felt timid and weak, a sad precursor to what I might become. I quickly picked it up and felt great again.
Sat, 20/01/2024 - 18:14
I wasn't having much luck in northeast Utah, prospecting for silver on the mountainous land I had recently inherited from my grandfather Amos Danbury. I'm Ronald Danbury Jr. and most of my life I've hated being called 'Junior'. I'm my own man, not just a younger version of my father.
I found a cave behind a mound of rock that must have fallen thousands of years in the past. After an hour of digging enough of a tunnel to enter the large cavern, I found the remains of a tribe that had perished many centuries before, apparently after being entombed when the entrance collapsed. I shined my flashlight and headlamp around investigating.
There were thousands of bones! Many were from animals I recognized, mountain goat, deer, fish, even half a bison skeleton. The hundreds and hundreds of human bones still laid in the positions they had died in.
I saw a dozen or so simple clay bowls and pots and two large clay jars. I also found four large stone spear points, a few dozen arrow heads, one end of a bow with most of its string gone, and a few bits of leather from their clothing. The rest had decayed away or been eaten by bugs.
I could tell they had been seven adult women, fifteen or so children, and one adult male. He was sitting against the wall in a corner, the only one who hadn't died laying down. He was quite short, but the bones showed he once had huge shoulder and thigh muscles. At six feet even I was close to a foot taller, but I'd never want to wrestle him.
Laying on the ground near the bones of the male was a large, curved tooth with some markings on it. I thought it was probably from a Smilodon, a saber-toothed cat. I felt the urge to touch it and picked it up. I suddenly felt stronger and more confident.
I stared at the markings scratched into the sides, and somehow knew they meant 'Power' and 'Dominance'. I held it in my hand, feeling a smile develop on my face. I stared at it a long time and felt better than I had in years. I set the tooth back on the ground and felt timid and weak, a sad precursor to what I might become. I quickly picked it up and felt great again.
Fri, 06/09/2024 - 23:00
The Value of Vibrations Regulation Tools in Machinery
Across manufacturing contexts, devices and rotating machinery act as the backbone of production. However, one of the most prevalent challenges that could affect their performance and lifespan is resonance. Vibration might cause an array of issues, such as minimized accuracy and efficiency to increased damage, finally leading to pricey interruptions as well as fixes. This is the point where vibration control apparatus becomes vital.
The Reason Oscillation Control remains Important
Vibration inside machinery can cause several negative impacts:
Decreased Functional Effectiveness: Exaggerated resonance could cause misalignment and imbalance, reducing the productivity of such devices. This may result in delayed production schedules as well as higher energy use.
Increased Erosion: Continuous resonance increases the erosion to machinery parts, bringing about increased repairs as well as a chance for unanticipated unexpected failures. Such a scenario doesn't merely increases operating costs as well as decreases the longevity of the existing equipment.
Protection Hazards: Uncontrolled vibration may bring major dangers to both the machines and the personnel. In severe cases, severe cases, it may cause devastating equipment breakdown, endangering personnel and resulting in widespread harm to the facility.
Precision along with Quality Concerns: In businesses where rely on high accuracy, such as industrial sectors as well as aerospace, oscillations may lead to flaws with the manufacturing process, resulting in faulty goods and more waste.
Affordable Approaches to Vibration Control
Investing in vibration management systems is not merely a necessity but a wise choice for all businesses that any business involved with machines. Our modern vibration regulation equipment are built to remove vibrations from all mechanical systems or rotating machinery, guaranteeing smooth and efficient functioning.
What differentiates our systems apart is its reasonable pricing. We know the necessity of cost-effectiveness in the modern competitive marketplace, which is why we provide premium vibration control solutions at costs that remain budget-friendly.
By choosing these tools, you’re not only securing your equipment and improving its efficiency as well as putting resources in the long-term performance in your organization.
Oscillation control is an essential aspect of maintaining the operational performance, safety, as well as lifespan of your machinery. Through our affordable vibration management tools, you can be certain your production run smoothly, your products maintain high quality, and your employees remain safe. Never let vibration undermine your business—invest in the appropriate systems today.
Sat, 20/01/2024 - 19:09
I wasn't having much luck in northeast Utah, prospecting for silver on the mountainous land I had recently inherited from my grandfather Amos Danbury. I'm Ronald Danbury Jr. and most of my life I've hated being called 'Junior'. I'm my own man, not just a younger version of my father.
I found a cave behind a mound of rock that must have fallen thousands of years in the past. After an hour of digging enough of a tunnel to enter the large cavern, I found the remains of a tribe that had perished many centuries before, apparently after being entombed when the entrance collapsed. I shined my flashlight and headlamp around investigating.
There were thousands of bones! Many were from animals I recognized, mountain goat, deer, fish, even half a bison skeleton. The hundreds and hundreds of human bones still laid in the positions they had died in.
I saw a dozen or so simple clay bowls and pots and two large clay jars. I also found four large stone spear points, a few dozen arrow heads, one end of a bow with most of its string gone, and a few bits of leather from their clothing. The rest had decayed away or been eaten by bugs.
I could tell they had been seven adult women, fifteen or so children, and one adult male. He was sitting against the wall in a corner, the only one who hadn't died laying down. He was quite short, but the bones showed he once had huge shoulder and thigh muscles. At six feet even I was close to a foot taller, but I'd never want to wrestle him.
Laying on the ground near the bones of the male was a large, curved tooth with some markings on it. I thought it was probably from a Smilodon, a saber-toothed cat. I felt the urge to touch it and picked it up. I suddenly felt stronger and more confident.
I stared at the markings scratched into the sides, and somehow knew they meant 'Power' and 'Dominance'. I held it in my hand, feeling a smile develop on my face. I stared at it a long time and felt better than I had in years. I set the tooth back on the ground and felt timid and weak, a sad precursor to what I might become. I quickly picked it up and felt great again.
Sat, 20/01/2024 - 19:59
I wasn't having much luck in northeast Utah, prospecting for silver on the mountainous land I had recently inherited from my grandfather Amos Danbury. I'm Ronald Danbury Jr. and most of my life I've hated being called 'Junior'. I'm my own man, not just a younger version of my father.
I found a cave behind a mound of rock that must have fallen thousands of years in the past. After an hour of digging enough of a tunnel to enter the large cavern, I found the remains of a tribe that had perished many centuries before, apparently after being entombed when the entrance collapsed. I shined my flashlight and headlamp around investigating.
There were thousands of bones! Many were from animals I recognized, mountain goat, deer, fish, even half a bison skeleton. The hundreds and hundreds of human bones still laid in the positions they had died in.
I saw a dozen or so simple clay bowls and pots and two large clay jars. I also found four large stone spear points, a few dozen arrow heads, one end of a bow with most of its string gone, and a few bits of leather from their clothing. The rest had decayed away or been eaten by bugs.
I could tell they had been seven adult women, fifteen or so children, and one adult male. He was sitting against the wall in a corner, the only one who hadn't died laying down. He was quite short, but the bones showed he once had huge shoulder and thigh muscles. At six feet even I was close to a foot taller, but I'd never want to wrestle him.
Laying on the ground near the bones of the male was a large, curved tooth with some markings on it. I thought it was probably from a Smilodon, a saber-toothed cat. I felt the urge to touch it and picked it up. I suddenly felt stronger and more confident.
I stared at the markings scratched into the sides, and somehow knew they meant 'Power' and 'Dominance'. I held it in my hand, feeling a smile develop on my face. I stared at it a long time and felt better than I had in years. I set the tooth back on the ground and felt timid and weak, a sad precursor to what I might become. I quickly picked it up and felt great again.
Sat, 20/01/2024 - 20:55
I wasn't having much luck in northeast Utah, prospecting for silver on the mountainous land I had recently inherited from my grandfather Amos Danbury. I'm Ronald Danbury Jr. and most of my life I've hated being called 'Junior'. I'm my own man, not just a younger version of my father.
I found a cave behind a mound of rock that must have fallen thousands of years in the past. After an hour of digging enough of a tunnel to enter the large cavern, I found the remains of a tribe that had perished many centuries before, apparently after being entombed when the entrance collapsed. I shined my flashlight and headlamp around investigating.
There were thousands of bones! Many were from animals I recognized, mountain goat, deer, fish, even half a bison skeleton. The hundreds and hundreds of human bones still laid in the positions they had died in.
I saw a dozen or so simple clay bowls and pots and two large clay jars. I also found four large stone spear points, a few dozen arrow heads, one end of a bow with most of its string gone, and a few bits of leather from their clothing. The rest had decayed away or been eaten by bugs.
I could tell they had been seven adult women, fifteen or so children, and one adult male. He was sitting against the wall in a corner, the only one who hadn't died laying down. He was quite short, but the bones showed he once had huge shoulder and thigh muscles. At six feet even I was close to a foot taller, but I'd never want to wrestle him.
Laying on the ground near the bones of the male was a large, curved tooth with some markings on it. I thought it was probably from a Smilodon, a saber-toothed cat. I felt the urge to touch it and picked it up. I suddenly felt stronger and more confident.
I stared at the markings scratched into the sides, and somehow knew they meant 'Power' and 'Dominance'. I held it in my hand, feeling a smile develop on my face. I stared at it a long time and felt better than I had in years. I set the tooth back on the ground and felt timid and weak, a sad precursor to what I might become. I quickly picked it up and felt great again.
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Sat, 20/01/2024 - 21:49
I wasn't having much luck in northeast Utah, prospecting for silver on the mountainous land I had recently inherited from my grandfather Amos Danbury. I'm Ronald Danbury Jr. and most of my life I've hated being called 'Junior'. I'm my own man, not just a younger version of my father.
I found a cave behind a mound of rock that must have fallen thousands of years in the past. After an hour of digging enough of a tunnel to enter the large cavern, I found the remains of a tribe that had perished many centuries before, apparently after being entombed when the entrance collapsed. I shined my flashlight and headlamp around investigating.
There were thousands of bones! Many were from animals I recognized, mountain goat, deer, fish, even half a bison skeleton. The hundreds and hundreds of human bones still laid in the positions they had died in.
I saw a dozen or so simple clay bowls and pots and two large clay jars. I also found four large stone spear points, a few dozen arrow heads, one end of a bow with most of its string gone, and a few bits of leather from their clothing. The rest had decayed away or been eaten by bugs.
I could tell they had been seven adult women, fifteen or so children, and one adult male. He was sitting against the wall in a corner, the only one who hadn't died laying down. He was quite short, but the bones showed he once had huge shoulder and thigh muscles. At six feet even I was close to a foot taller, but I'd never want to wrestle him.
Laying on the ground near the bones of the male was a large, curved tooth with some markings on it. I thought it was probably from a Smilodon, a saber-toothed cat. I felt the urge to touch it and picked it up. I suddenly felt stronger and more confident.
I stared at the markings scratched into the sides, and somehow knew they meant 'Power' and 'Dominance'. I held it in my hand, feeling a smile develop on my face. I stared at it a long time and felt better than I had in years. I set the tooth back on the ground and felt timid and weak, a sad precursor to what I might become. I quickly picked it up and felt great again.
Sat, 20/01/2024 - 22:46
I wasn't having much luck in northeast Utah, prospecting for silver on the mountainous land I had recently inherited from my grandfather Amos Danbury. I'm Ronald Danbury Jr. and most of my life I've hated being called 'Junior'. I'm my own man, not just a younger version of my father.
I found a cave behind a mound of rock that must have fallen thousands of years in the past. After an hour of digging enough of a tunnel to enter the large cavern, I found the remains of a tribe that had perished many centuries before, apparently after being entombed when the entrance collapsed. I shined my flashlight and headlamp around investigating.
There were thousands of bones! Many were from animals I recognized, mountain goat, deer, fish, even half a bison skeleton. The hundreds and hundreds of human bones still laid in the positions they had died in.
I saw a dozen or so simple clay bowls and pots and two large clay jars. I also found four large stone spear points, a few dozen arrow heads, one end of a bow with most of its string gone, and a few bits of leather from their clothing. The rest had decayed away or been eaten by bugs.
I could tell they had been seven adult women, fifteen or so children, and one adult male. He was sitting against the wall in a corner, the only one who hadn't died laying down. He was quite short, but the bones showed he once had huge shoulder and thigh muscles. At six feet even I was close to a foot taller, but I'd never want to wrestle him.
Laying on the ground near the bones of the male was a large, curved tooth with some markings on it. I thought it was probably from a Smilodon, a saber-toothed cat. I felt the urge to touch it and picked it up. I suddenly felt stronger and more confident.
I stared at the markings scratched into the sides, and somehow knew they meant 'Power' and 'Dominance'. I held it in my hand, feeling a smile develop on my face. I stared at it a long time and felt better than I had in years. I set the tooth back on the ground and felt timid and weak, a sad precursor to what I might become. I quickly picked it up and felt great again.
Sat, 20/01/2024 - 23:37
I wasn't having much luck in northeast Utah, prospecting for silver on the mountainous land I had recently inherited from my grandfather Amos Danbury. I'm Ronald Danbury Jr. and most of my life I've hated being called 'Junior'. I'm my own man, not just a younger version of my father.
I found a cave behind a mound of rock that must have fallen thousands of years in the past. After an hour of digging enough of a tunnel to enter the large cavern, I found the remains of a tribe that had perished many centuries before, apparently after being entombed when the entrance collapsed. I shined my flashlight and headlamp around investigating.
There were thousands of bones! Many were from animals I recognized, mountain goat, deer, fish, even half a bison skeleton. The hundreds and hundreds of human bones still laid in the positions they had died in.
I saw a dozen or so simple clay bowls and pots and two large clay jars. I also found four large stone spear points, a few dozen arrow heads, one end of a bow with most of its string gone, and a few bits of leather from their clothing. The rest had decayed away or been eaten by bugs.
I could tell they had been seven adult women, fifteen or so children, and one adult male. He was sitting against the wall in a corner, the only one who hadn't died laying down. He was quite short, but the bones showed he once had huge shoulder and thigh muscles. At six feet even I was close to a foot taller, but I'd never want to wrestle him.
Laying on the ground near the bones of the male was a large, curved tooth with some markings on it. I thought it was probably from a Smilodon, a saber-toothed cat. I felt the urge to touch it and picked it up. I suddenly felt stronger and more confident.
I stared at the markings scratched into the sides, and somehow knew they meant 'Power' and 'Dominance'. I held it in my hand, feeling a smile develop on my face. I stared at it a long time and felt better than I had in years. I set the tooth back on the ground and felt timid and weak, a sad precursor to what I might become. I quickly picked it up and felt great again.
Sun, 21/01/2024 - 00:34
I wasn't having much luck in northeast Utah, prospecting for silver on the mountainous land I had recently inherited from my grandfather Amos Danbury. I'm Ronald Danbury Jr. and most of my life I've hated being called 'Junior'. I'm my own man, not just a younger version of my father.
I found a cave behind a mound of rock that must have fallen thousands of years in the past. After an hour of digging enough of a tunnel to enter the large cavern, I found the remains of a tribe that had perished many centuries before, apparently after being entombed when the entrance collapsed. I shined my flashlight and headlamp around investigating.
There were thousands of bones! Many were from animals I recognized, mountain goat, deer, fish, even half a bison skeleton. The hundreds and hundreds of human bones still laid in the positions they had died in.
I saw a dozen or so simple clay bowls and pots and two large clay jars. I also found four large stone spear points, a few dozen arrow heads, one end of a bow with most of its string gone, and a few bits of leather from their clothing. The rest had decayed away or been eaten by bugs.
I could tell they had been seven adult women, fifteen or so children, and one adult male. He was sitting against the wall in a corner, the only one who hadn't died laying down. He was quite short, but the bones showed he once had huge shoulder and thigh muscles. At six feet even I was close to a foot taller, but I'd never want to wrestle him.
Laying on the ground near the bones of the male was a large, curved tooth with some markings on it. I thought it was probably from a Smilodon, a saber-toothed cat. I felt the urge to touch it and picked it up. I suddenly felt stronger and more confident.
I stared at the markings scratched into the sides, and somehow knew they meant 'Power' and 'Dominance'. I held it in my hand, feeling a smile develop on my face. I stared at it a long time and felt better than I had in years. I set the tooth back on the ground and felt timid and weak, a sad precursor to what I might become. I quickly picked it up and felt great again.
Sun, 21/01/2024 - 01:23
I wasn't having much luck in northeast Utah, prospecting for silver on the mountainous land I had recently inherited from my grandfather Amos Danbury. I'm Ronald Danbury Jr. and most of my life I've hated being called 'Junior'. I'm my own man, not just a younger version of my father.
I found a cave behind a mound of rock that must have fallen thousands of years in the past. After an hour of digging enough of a tunnel to enter the large cavern, I found the remains of a tribe that had perished many centuries before, apparently after being entombed when the entrance collapsed. I shined my flashlight and headlamp around investigating.
There were thousands of bones! Many were from animals I recognized, mountain goat, deer, fish, even half a bison skeleton. The hundreds and hundreds of human bones still laid in the positions they had died in.
I saw a dozen or so simple clay bowls and pots and two large clay jars. I also found four large stone spear points, a few dozen arrow heads, one end of a bow with most of its string gone, and a few bits of leather from their clothing. The rest had decayed away or been eaten by bugs.
I could tell they had been seven adult women, fifteen or so children, and one adult male. He was sitting against the wall in a corner, the only one who hadn't died laying down. He was quite short, but the bones showed he once had huge shoulder and thigh muscles. At six feet even I was close to a foot taller, but I'd never want to wrestle him.
Laying on the ground near the bones of the male was a large, curved tooth with some markings on it. I thought it was probably from a Smilodon, a saber-toothed cat. I felt the urge to touch it and picked it up. I suddenly felt stronger and more confident.
I stared at the markings scratched into the sides, and somehow knew they meant 'Power' and 'Dominance'. I held it in my hand, feeling a smile develop on my face. I stared at it a long time and felt better than I had in years. I set the tooth back on the ground and felt timid and weak, a sad precursor to what I might become. I quickly picked it up and felt great again.
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